Red heart with flames around it

Young and Restless - Young Adult Ministry


We join the Office of Catholic Youth (OCY) in recognizing the need to build a strong sense of community with young adults in the Archdiocese of Toronto. Young and Restless is a ministry for Catholic young adults aged 18-35 in the St. John the Evangelist community.


Journeying in faith as a young adult can be hard, confusing, frustrating and can sometimes even feel hopeless. We live in a world where loneliness is an epidemic. Competing voices in society tell us what to believe, who to trust and what to value. In our materialistic culture where instant gratification seems to be the only answer, being a Catholic can make a young adult feel as if their faith is counter cultural. The mission of this ministry is to offer support, guidance, community, and hope for young adults at all levels of their faith journey.


To guide young adults in their pursuit of God and belonging as we journey toward his heavenly kingdom together. This includes three major goals:

  1. Social - Build a sense of community among Catholic young adults and cultivate faith-based friendships.
  2. Spiritual - Foster spiritual growth and understanding of the faith by offering opportunities to encounter Jesus Christ and empowering young adults to deepen their relationship with God and His Church.
  3. Service - Provide service opportunities in the parish and local community.

We currently meet twice a month to spend time in discussion and fellowship through fun socials, movies, pub nights, hikes and more!

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” (Acts 2:42)

Come and see!

Join us on the second Sunday of the month at 1pm in the parish hall.

All are welcome!

"Hello September" script on a beige background, surrounded by automnal coloured foliage

See you in September!

Friday, September 6th, 6:30pm - Young Adult Hosted First Friday Adoration and Confession

  • All are welcome to our holy hour at St. John's every first Friday of the month from 6:30-7:30pm.
  • Young adults are invited to a social afterwards at 7:45pm in the church hall.

Sunday, September 8th, 1pm - Discerning Your Vocation

  • Our young adult meeting this month will feature a talk by our pastor, Fr. Bob, followed by time for discussion, fellowship and refreshments.

Saturday, September 28th - Trip to Martyrs' Shrine in Midland

  • Join our group for a day trip to Martyrs' Shrine for the feast of the Canadian Martyrs. Carpool will leave from St. John's in the morning.
  • Meeting time TBD. Contact us to RSVP and for further details.

If you would like more information, please contact the parish office:

Follow our instagram: @youngandrestless_st.johns


Quote by St. Augustine "You have made us of yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you."