a blurry renaissance drawing of faceless people in robes with a title blocked in the center "Catholic Questions"

Catholic Questions

已发布 : Feb-24-2021

I love questions!

Good questions make us think and help us to open up to what is the most real in this world. Of course, not every question has an answer. Some questions lead to more questions. That too, is a wonderful thing.

As we explore these questions, perhaps you might find a thought or two that helps you. Certainly being human is not easy; there are so many things to grapple with, so many questions...

How are we to think about death?

What can I do when I am trying to pray but my mind keeps wondering?

How do I help someone who is sad or grieving?

We will explore these questions and more in this Wednesday series.The responses you read here are only part of the answer, but hopefully they will help lead you to other important questions. My deepest hope is that, in the midst of whatever questions you face, you will be able to hang on to this great promise: You are NEVER alone.

My hope is that these questions will help nurture the faith and goodness in your hearts. Perhaps the questions we ask and attempt to answer represent some of the things you find yourselves wondering about or just some of the things that concern you generally. Hopefully reading these short blog posts might open a window to help you see other questions that might be on your mind. Maybe this will also help you be more comfortable with questions in general and with bringing these questions to light. Perhaps they will also provide the right moment for some prayer. 

Join us Wednesdays as we start the discussion.

Catholic Questions — The Bridge