wood pews and windows on the right side of a church


已发布 : Jul-24-2021

There is too much noise in our life. We fill our life with chatter. We text, we post, we tweet. Earbuds and headphones are part of our appendages. We rarely enjoy quiet. Pick a day this week and make it a quiet day. Turn your phone off, turn your ipad off, turn your radio off, turn the TV off, turn your mind off. Enjoy the quiet. Listen to the sounds of nature. Appreciate the beauty that is around you. Jesus often went "within" himself to pray and understand what God the Father was asking of him. Let's go into our hearts to come closer to Jesus. Let us pray.

Jesus, I want to feel close to you.

I turn my heart to you Lord.

You gave so much for me when you died on the cross.

Help me to feel closer to you each day.

Help me to come to you through prayer.

Top tips to switch off and find peace | Express.co.uk