Outdoor picture of a large wooden crucifix, dark with setting sun lighting it from behind

About the history of the Roman Catholic Church - pt 9 - The Church Today

已发布 : Apr-19-2021

In the 21st century, the Church is reaching out to all people and looking to the future.

Vatican Council II

This council, held between 1962 and 1965, revitalized Church practices, calling for liturgical reform and ecumenical (interfaith) dialogue - a challenge for the worldwide Church in the decades to come.

Able Leadership

Two of the many great Popes of the 20th century:

Pope Saint John XXIII, who convened the Second Vatican Council and began the era of ecumenism

Pope Saint John Paul II, elected in 1978, and continued to work for unity. He was a traveling Pope, beloved by millions of all faiths throughout the world.

Christian Service 

The 21st century Church is actively involved in spreading God's Word, giving spiritual direction and meeting the needs of the people everywhere through:

  • worldwide missions
  • educational activities
  • a variety of Catholic lay organizations devoted to works of charity

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Pope Saint John Paul II Karol Józef Wojtyła | Salt and Light Catholic Media  Foundation Pope Saint John XXIII