White dove over yellow, orange, red and brown stained glass


The Sacrament of Confirmation celebrates the strengthening of the Holy Spirit and the full reception of the Gifts of the Spirit within the life of the receiver.

Throughout history the Church has asked that the baptised person be suitably instructed, properly disposed and able to renew their baptismal promises to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.

As parents, you are the first and primary educators of the Faith; however, it is the Church's responsibility to help you in your efforts to properly prepare these teens to become adults in their faith.


"Decision Point" is a powerful new program which will develop, strengthen, and encourage through 72 short-films of 3-8 mins "The-Best-Version-of-Yourself."

This Program is available free online. Click Decision Point to view the Program.


It is expected that Parents and Sponsors discuss the insights of these films and their own personal faith with the Candidates.

I will make myself available to anyone if there are any questions about the program.

The Church thanks you for all your interest and your efforts in the lives of these teens who have been entrusted to you by God.

Confirmation Parent Meeting - Wed Oct 16, 2024 - 7 pm

Confirmation Sponsor Meeting - Wed Jan 8, 2025 - 7 pm

Confirmation Sponsor Registration

Sponsor Registration Forms will be available in Confirmation package 1.

If you are submitting the form online or by email, you will receive a confirmation email from us when we receive the form. If you do not receive a confirmaiton email, this means we have not received the form.

Christian Service

One of the expectations for Confirmation Candidates is that they complete 1 hour a week of Christian service each week.

Sponsors and parents should be invited to take an active role in this service.

SOME IDEAS: Help an elderly or sick person (grandparents), in some way, carry groceries, rake leaves, shovel snow, pick up or deliver medication. Volunteer at school, teacher's aide, library, help teach younger students, etc. Help Parents in ways that develop Christian Character. Be creative, imaginative and inventive in your Christian service. A variety of Christian service is expected.

The Christian Service form will be available in Confirmation package 1.

Applications now available at the back of the church.

** Please return completed applications to CHURCH!! **

Deadline for applications: March 1, 2025